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Why Should I Undergo a Root Canal Procedure if I have the Option?

If you’re dealing with a troubled tooth, this is the best way to treat it

So... you’ve been told you need a root canal procedure. Sigh… not the greatest news, but hey, at least you have the option to keep that tooth.

The question is, are you going to go through with it? You have another option to simply have the tooth extracted, and then replace it with a dental implant. Or... why not wait it out? Perhaps the tooth can heal on its own… right?


For anyone who isn’t quite sure about whether a root canal treatment would be the best option for them and their troubled tooth, this is what our Don Mills endodontist wants you to know.

No replacement is better than your natural tooth.

If you’re thinking about skipping the root canal and just yanking the tooth to replace it later on, you might want to give that some more thought.

While dental implants are truly amazing substitutes for missing natural teeth, the fact remains that a person’s natural tooth will always be superior to any other artificial restorative solution.

In addition to this, more issues can occur during the time you have a tooth missing out of its socket. Surrounding teeth could shift into the space, resulting in an unattractive appearance and problems with the bite, and bone loss will occur in the area that used to support your tooth - leading to a shrunken facial structure and overall aged appearance.

So, if you’re lucky enough to have the option to “save” vs. replace your natural tooth that has experienced trauma or infection, then choosing a root canal procedure is definitely a smart choice.

Don’t put it off: Your tooth will eventually need to come out anyway.

If you’re considering simply dealing with the pain and discomfort until it hopefully magically subsides, it’s important to realize that the tooth is still going to need to get pulled as it will become a threat to your oral health.

With that said, our expert endodontist suggests having your root canal procedure within a certain timeframe, it’s best to listen to their advice.

At Endodontics on Don Mills, we do root canals right

If you’ve been having a persisting problem with a tooth, our Dr. Farzad Danesh encourages you to come in for a visit. The sooner you address any warning signs, the better your prognosis for saving your natural tooth.

Contact our friendly endodontic team today!