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In some cases, an apical microsurgery procedure is required in order to eliminate infection from the root tips of teeth. This is achieved via the removal of the tip of the infected tooth, and through the cleaning of surrounding bone. If an infection persists in the bone surrounding a tooth despite a previous root canal treatment, an apicoectomy surgery will be necessary.

An apical microsurgery procedure explained


First, in order to expose the bone, a small cut is created in the surrounding gum tissue. Next, the end of the root tip along with the infected tissue are removed through the small incision.

Finally, the gum tissue is sutured after a filling is placed in the end of the root. This helps to prevent reinfection.

In some cases, a bone graft is required in order to repair the damaged bone. Over the course of several months, the bone will heal around the root.

Apical microsurgery recovery

Following an apical microsurgery procedure, there may be some discomfort or slight swelling experienced during the recovery phase. Fortunately, this is normal when it comes to any surgical procedure.

To manage discomfort in the meantime, an over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication can be taken for relief. However, if pain does not respond to OTC medication, we ask you to please call our office and let Dr. Danesh know.

To learn more about apical microsurgery, please contact our team at Endodontics on Don Mills today.